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Women in STEAM – Kelli Schlesinger

Kelli Schlesinger, MD | Legacy Spine & Neurological Specialists | Medical Doctor

Career Evolution…I am extremely blessed that I chose a career that I have loved from the very beginning.

Beginning Interests…While in medical school I fell in love with neuroscience, which led me to become a neurologist.

Day at Work…Workouts, running kids to school, clinic visits, diagnostic procedures, family time!

LOVE the Work…I love the patients and the families I get to interact with daily.

Advice…Find someone who has walked the same road before you and take their advice!  I look up to so many women in my field. They have been a huge asset in my career and life.

These wonder women are redefining what “full STEAM ahead” means in Arkansas. With exciting careers in science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics – each reflects WIT (Women in Tech) and true grit for making the most of every opportunity. Here’s to the powHER of knowledge.

Inviting Arkansas

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